
Musical Aptitude Test

Chancellor’s School Musical Aptitude Tests for Admission to Year 7

Our Musical Aptitude Tests do not require a child to have any knowledge of music theory, have received formal music training or have accomplished a certain grade level. Please do not send in any supporting material/certificates of aptitude/ability as we are unable to take these into consideration.

Applicants offered a place at Chancellor’s based on musical aptitude are expected to participate in extra-curricular activities in music offered by the school.

The Musical Aptitude Test dates are in the Summer term prior to the year of application (i.e. in the Summer of Year 5). In the Autumn term (of Year 6), there will be an additional test date for late applicants only. Anyone wishing to apply under this criterion must complete and return the Supplementary Information Form (SIF) to the School by the relevant deadline shown at the end of this document. This form must be completed for all applicants including online applications. The September date is our final deadline.

After the tests have been completed and following the publication of the results, anyone wishing to continue with their application for a place on the basis of musical aptitude must submit the Common Application Form available from the Local Authority and select Chancellor's School as one of the preferences. This must be done
by 31st October.

The musical aptitude test is in two parts, both parts must be completed in order to be considered for a Musical Aptitude place. All students who apply under this criterion will be invited to sit a written aptitude test in music, followed by a performance in their chosen instrument (including vocal). The written test does not require any formal knowledge of musical theory. Exact timings for the test will be sent via email before the exam. If the school are unable to accommodate all applicants on the date, a further date will be arranged.

Musical Aptitude Test 1:

This is a written test, taken with other children, and is approximately 15 minutes in duration. The test is based entirely on aural responses. There are no practice papers for the test.

There are 60 questions of four types: Pitch, Melody, Texture and Rhythm.


for these questions, candidates listen to two sounds and have to indicate whether the second sound is the same as the first, or whether it is higher or lower. Some of the pitches are less than a semitone apart i.e.,very close together.

20 questions.


for these questions, candidates listen to two tunes consisting of five notes. Candidates have to decide whether the second tune is the same as the first or if one of the notes has been altered. If there is a change, candidates will be expected to identify which note has been altered, by giving the number of the note.

10 questions.


for these questions, candidates listen to a number of notes played together at the same time (a chord). Candidates need to decide whether or not each chord has two, three or four notes.

20 questions.


for these questions, candidates listen to two patterns of notes and have to decide whether the second pattern is the same as, or different from, the first, and where any difference occurs. Each rhythm will be four beats (or pulses) in length.

10 questions.

Musical Aptitude Test 2:

In addition to the written aptitude test, candidates will be required to complete a musical performance aptitude test. Each child is allocated a 5 minute slot, in that time they will perform on their preferred instrument/s (voice included) and speak to the panel. There is a totally free choice of piece(s), enabling candidates of all cultures an equal chance to succeed. They may also perform on more than one instrument if they prefer.

We can provide an accompanist if required or you may bring your own. There is also provision to play a backing track (USB/MP3). Please note for vocal performances this should be a backing track only and not have the original artist singing.

Other information relating to both parts of the test:

Parents of children who have special educational or medical needs, which may require the School to make particular provision for the tests must provide written evidence of the child’s normal way of working from their current school Headteacher.

This evidence must be sent by the deadline date as advised. Parents will be informed in advance of the test date of any appropriate special arrangements that will be made for their child. Every effort will be made to ensure that the tests are accessible and fair to all children.

Children that are medically unfit on the test day (a medical certificate will be required) or have religious reasons for being unable to attend (evidence will be required) will be offered one further date to attend.

  • Notification must be within 24 hours of the tests taking place.
  • A child may only take the Aptitude Tests for admission to Year 7 once.

Test Results

Details of your child’s ranking in the Musical Aptitude Test will be sent by email before the end of October and may be helpful to parents/carers in making their child’s school application. Parents who wish to apply for a place at Chancellor’s School must include it as one of their preferences when making their child’s secondary transfer application via their home Local Authority.


To apply for the Musical Aptitude Test please go to our applications page via the link below.

Supplementary iNFORMATION  Form

Key Dates for Admissions