
Chancellor's School DNA

The school has a very clear vision of what an effective learning environment looks like. We call this our Chancellor’s DNA.


Precise Identification of Needs

 At Chancellor’s, we recognise the diverse background of our students who all have individual needs. Whilst demanding high quality from our students, we believe it is vitally important to be a caring and adaptable school. For this reason, we expect our teachers and staff to get to know and plan for the individual needs of every student. We make these provisions in order to give our students the opportunity to achieve, enjoy and excel, and we continuously reflect on and refine our expertise in this area.


Challenge to Engage and Promote Independence

Chancellor’s School firmly believes that a rising tide lifts all boats. Excellent educational outcomes are achieved by pitching learning at a challenging level for all learners and, in other words, we aim high in all our learning. For this reason, skilled teaching will have the highest expectations of learners, whilst also supporting individual need.  By encouraging students to become comfortable with challenging learning experiences and by providing them with a highly engaging curriculum, we will develop the independence of our students.


Outstanding Oracy

This should include:

  • Use of questioning to cause thinking

  • Through questioning identify gaps that informs teaching

  • Provide opportunities for students to engage with quality student talk and structured discussions

At Chancellor’s School we encourage our students to be active learners. We promote a ‘no hands-up’ policy in lessons, unless a student wishes to ask a pertinent question, with the aim of ensuring participation from every member of a class.  Questions are planned carefully by the teacher and targeted directly at learners, ensuring consistently high levels of engagement and challenge as a feature of every lesson. Oracy opportunities are embedded into our learning and strategies such as ‘Think, Pair, Share’ and structured discussion tasks enable further student processing time and confidence.


High Quality Bookwork

We firmly believe that students should take pride in the work they complete and in its presentation. Establishing effective working habits and developing a sense of joy in a job well done are critical to developing successful individuals. We want all our students, therefore, to adopt a growth mindset and to put great effort into everything they do. We want to instil a self- reflective attitude in our students so that work is always ‘in progress’ of being refined and improved. Quality is always more important than quantity. In response, we pledge to make our support and feedback relevant and timely to enable students to make rapid progress.


Rigour and Consistency

Success in learning is the result of the outstanding teaching a student receives, and also the effort and commitment that student brings to their learning, and the help and support provided at home. At Chancellor’s, we are fully committed to the school’s DNA and we expect a student’s school experience to be consistently challenging and engaging in every lesson. We are committed to listening and learning from our students through student voice and establishing a learning dialogue. We equally ask and expect our students and parents to uphold their role in developing successful learners.