
Staff Members

Staff email addresses are in the following format:
The headteacher may be contacted via:

Chair of School Board

Mrs J Buoy (Acting Chair Of Governors)

All Committees

Address: Chancellor's School, Pine Grove, Brookmans Park, Hatfield Hertfordshire AL9 7BN


Danes Educational Trust Governance 

Senior Leadership Team

Executive Headteacher

Mr D Croston: BSc Hons (Warwick); PGCE; NPQH

Deputy Headteachers

Mrs E Grant: BMus Hons (Birmingham Conservatoire); PGCE

Mrs S Reilly: BA Hons (Liverpool); PGCE

Assistant Headteachers

Mrs S Antwi: BA Hons (Warwick), PGCE

Mrs K Goodman: BSc Hons; MEd (Cantab); PGCE

Mrs C Kenney-Greenwood: BA Hons (Middlesex); PGCE

Mr  Sylvester: MA (Cambridge); MA (London); PGCE

Associate Senior Leader

Mrs K Maidment - BA Hons (Leicester); PGCE; NPQML


Mr M Clarke

BA Hons (East Anglia); PGCE; NPQML

Mrs B Bezants

BA Hons (Norwich); QTS

Mrs E Grant

BMus Hons (Birmingham Conservatoire); PGCE

Mrs R Harris

BA Hons (De Montfort); QTS

Miss S Martin

BA Hons (Greenwich), PGCE

Mrs C Stubbs

BA Hons (Buckinghamshire College of Higher Education); PGCE

Mrs A Watson BA Hons


Mr C Chambers

BSc Hons (Portsmouth); PGCE

Mr M Arenas

BA Hons (University of Maryland College Park); MA (John Hopkins University of Business & Education); QTS

Mrs K Chernin

BA Hons (Westminster) QTS

Mrs C Kenney-Greenwood

BA Hons (Middlesex); PGCE

Miss E Lucas

BA Hons (Roehampton); PGCE

Mr J Pearce

BA Hons (Nottingham); PGCE

Miss T Pollard

BA Hons (Surrey) MA Hons (Surrey)

Miss S Sullivan

BA Hons (Westminster)


Mr L Allan

BA Hons (Birmingham); PGCE

Mrs C Cringle

BA Hons (Sheffield); PGCE

Miss R Edmonds

BSc Hons (Brighton); PGCE

Miss N Harrison

BSc Econ Hons (Cardiff); PGCE

Miss C Males

BA Hons 

Mrs S Mallows

BSc Hons (Bristol); PGCE

Mr C Neil

BSc Hons (Durham); PGCE 

Mrs S Reilly

BA Hons (Liverpool); PGCE

Mr R Sylvester

MA (Cambridge); MA (London); PGCE

Mr I Walsh

BA Hons (Limerick); PGCE


Miss J Pugh

BSc Hons (Nottingham); PGCE

Mrs A Aminuddin

BSc Hons (Karachi)

Mr J Austin

BSc Hons (Manchester), MA (Greenwich), QTS

Mrs Z Byrne

BSc Hons (OU); QTS

Ms E Cabello

BSc Hons (OU); BEd

Mr L Festa

BSc Hons (Sheffield Hallam); PGCE

Miss S Glass

BSc Hons (London School of Economics); PGCE

Dr J Hames


Mrs J Jhugroo

BEd Hons (Aston); PGCE

Miss T Johnson

BCs Hons (Florida State University); PGCE

Mr E Waldron

BSc Hons (Lancaster); PGCE

Modern Foreign Languages

Mr P Branston

BSc Hons/MA (Hertfordshire); PGCE

Mrs N Amato

BA Joint Hons (Bristol); PGCE 

Mrs S Antwi

BA Hons (Warwick); PGCE

Mr C Atton

BA Hons (Bristol); QTS

Ms C Iannuzzella

BA Hons (Middlesex)

Mrs K Jackson

BA Hons (Birmingham); PGCE

Mrs M Mustafa

BA Hons (London Guildhall); PGCE

Miss A Pearson

BA Hons (Nottingham)

Mrs S Pinner

BA Hons (Wolverhampton); PGCE

Mrs C Stefanou

BA Joint Hons (London); PGCE 

Physical Education

Miss A Curran

BSc Hons (Loughborough); PGCE

Miss A English

BSc Hons (Brunel); GTP; QTS

Mr S Hesling

BA Hons (Leeds Beckett); PGCE

Miss G Ley

BSc Hons (Cardiff); PGCE

Mr E McLoughlin

BEd Hons

Mrs N Seabrook

BEd Hons (Exeter); QTS 

Mr R Tomkinson

BSc Hons (Nottingham Trent)

Social Sciences and ICT

Mrs K Maidment

BA Hons (Leicester); PGCE; NPQML

Miss E Hutson

BSc Hons (Kent); QTS

Mr T Masimba

BEd Hons

Mrs R Rose-Green

BSc Hons (London); MOS; PGCE 

Mr J Whipp

BSc Hons (OU); DipComp; DipIT; PGCE

Mr J Whitelock

BSc Hons (Kingston); GNVQ

Mrs I Yakovleva

BSc Hons (Donetsk National Technical); PGCE


Mrs M Hearn

BSc Hons (Loughborough); DIS; PGCE

Mrs N Bromwich

BSc Hons (Hertfordshire); PGCE

Miss A De Biasi

BSc Hons (Leeds)

Mrs W Duren

BA/MA Hons (Luther College); QTS

Mr C Godwin

BSc Hons (Chichester); QTS

Mrs K Goodman

BSc Hons; MEd (Cantab); PGCE

Mr C Holliday

BSc Hons (Southampton); PGCE

Mr M Semark

BSc Hons

Mr D Taylor


Miss K Tempest

BSc Hons (Leeds Beckett); PGCE


Mr J Field

BA Hons (Middlesex); PGCE

Ms K Dean

BA Hons

Mrs T D'Avella

BA Hons

Ms N Harwood

BA Hons (Surrey) MA (OU); PGCE

Miss K McGee

BA Hons (Bristol); PGCE

Mr D McGowan

BA Hons (Ulster- Derry City); PGCE

Miss P Menzie

BE Hons (Tasmania)

Mr M Steward

BA Hons (Hertfordshire); PGCE

Learning Support

Miss S Crowley

BSc Hons (Loughborough)